This year at work there’s been a push to brush up on relational database fundamentals. I’m generally pretty good at that, so I wanted to put my skills to the test. My preferred way to learn (or upskill) a new language in the month of December?

Advent of Code!

I’ve done AoC for the last 5 iterations starting in 2021, spanning a few languages – starting in Ruby, then Python, then Golang last year (but I got busy and didn’t finish), to finally a mix of Python and SQL. I get really sucked into these puzzles, so I wanted a challenge. So, I fired up PostgreSQL and figured I’d take a stab at writing some of the solutions in SQL.

Repository Link


I’m decent at writing SQL queries for business purposes but writing them to solve complicated problems like AoC would definitely prove to be quite difficult and potentially time-consuming. To save a little of my sanity, I chose to write the solutions out in Python before attempting them in SQL. Python for me is reasonably quick to prototype in, and crucially, solving it in Python gave me a foundation where I could check my work without fear of running into AoC’s wrong answer cooldown periods.

Once I had a working solution in Python, the SQL scripts could be created.

Meta-Tables, Functions, Batch Scripts

I created a few meta-scripts that did some basic stuff, like set up a solutions table for my answers and a raw_data table that would hold lines of the problem input. update_solution, a function to update a record in the solutions table.

-- common/setup.sql

CREATE TABLE raw_data (
        position SERIAL PRIMARY KEY
        , raw_data VARCHAR

-- There's a separate script to drop this, but it's not included here. It should persist between solutions.
        day INT
        , part INT
        , result VARCHAR

        , PRIMARY KEY (day, part)

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_solution(newday INT, newpart INT, newresult ANYELEMENT)
        INSERT INTO solutions (day, part, result)
        VALUES (newday, newpart, newresult::VARCHAR)
        ON CONFLICT (day, part)
        DO UPDATE
        SET result = EXCLUDED.result::VARCHAR;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Since I’m on Windows, then I defined a batch file that would seed the raw_data table via psql and run my solution scripts. There’s a whole host of scripts I used here, but this was the most common one:

# scripts/run.bat
@echo off

set dayno=%1
set connection=postgresql://aoc:aoc@localhost:5432/aoc

psql -c "SET client_min_messages TO NOTICE;" %connection%
psql --quiet -f .\common\setup.sql %connection%
psql --quiet -c "COPY raw_data (raw_data) FROM 'C:\\Users\tyler\development\advent-of-code\2024-sql\solutions\%dayno%\prompt.txt' WITH (FORMAT text)" %connection%
psql --quiet -f .\solutions\%dayno%\solution.sql %connection%

Then I can run a script with scrips/run.bat <day>!

Solution Scripts

Now the fun can begin. Each solution script is designed to be idempotent – it builds up a schema that it will use for a solution, computes the result, writes it to the solutions table, and tears itself back down.

First I parsed the raw data rows into some sort of useful table. If this is straightforward enough, an INSERT INTO ... SELECT was the preferred approach, but for more complex data I needed to use a PL/pgSQL function (by default I named it process_raw_data). For instance, if I needed to parse my raw data rows into a 2D grid, I might do something like:


        , x INT NOT NULL
        , y INT NOT NULL
        , c VARCHAR NOT NULL

        record RECORD;
        x INT := 0;
        y INT := 0;
        c VARCHAR;
        char_row VARCHAR[];
        FOR record IN SELECT * FROM raw_data ORDER BY position ASC
                char_row := string_to_array(record.raw_data, NULL);
                x := 0;

                FOREACH c IN ARRAY char_row
                        INSERT INTO grid (x, y, c) VALUES (x, y, c);

                        x := x + 1;
                END LOOP;

                y := y + 1;
        END LOOP;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

SELECT process_raw_data();

I honestly overused these functions. They were really only useful for looping over things, but in some cases looking back I can see that they either a) were just regular UPDATE / INSERT queries within the functions or b) could be converted to them easily.

For the solution calculation itself, I liked using CTEs to break up the individual queries. It makes it clear what is an intermediate calculation vs. what the result is. Since there are two parts to a problem, I can potentially re-use those calculations with very little effort.

My last few CTEs were usually called part1/part2 and were simply a step to get the part/result column for the solutions table. After that, a UNION ALL on the two parts is readily inserted using my solution insert function.

WITH subcalculation1 AS (
  -- Some expensive calculation
, subcalculation2 AS (
  -- Some other calculation
, part1 AS (
                1 AS part
                , COUNT(*) AS result
        FROM subcalculation1
, part2 AS (
                2 AS part
                , COUNT(*) AS result
        FROM subcalculation2
        update_solution(1, results.part, results.result)
        SELECT * FROM part1
        UNION ALL
        SELECT * FROM part2
) AS results;

So How’d It Go?

Honestly, once you get used to it, SQL really isn’t that bad for doing AoC. I mean, it’s not the right tool for the job, but I expected it to be way worse. I thought it would be a certainty that I would need to stop around the end of the first week – at time of writing I’m at double that!

The Good

Leaning into set theory

Duh. That’s what SQL is made for.

There’s lots of instances of this but let’s take Day 7 as an example – we want to perform a list of operations on each row in a table. Well, we can do that, it’s a CROSS JOIN on the operands table that we can filter out.

                , eq.tgt
                , eq.operands[1] AS current_val
                , eq.operands AS operands
                , 1 AS idx
                , array_length(eq.operands, 1) AS tgtidx
                , ARRAY[]::TEXT[] as path
        FROM equations eq

        UNION ALL

                , b.tgt
                , CASE
                        WHEN op = '+' THEN b.current_val + b.operands[b.idx + 1]
                        WHEN op = '*' THEN b.current_val * b.operands[b.idx + 1]
                        WHEN op = '|' THEN CONCAT(b.current_val::TEXT, (b.operands[b.idx + 1])::TEXT)::NUMERIC
                END AS current_val
                , b.operands
                , b.idx + 1
                , b.tgtidx
                , path || op as path
        FROM bfs b
        CROSS JOIN unnest(ARRAY['+', '*', '|']) AS op
        WHERE b.idx < array_length(b.operands, 1)
-- Use the result of this calculation...

Storing results

Also duh.

This is kind of obvious but when you’re working a complex puzzle like this, you have lots of options at your fingertips for data storage. A database after all is intended for long-term storage. You can use this to your advantage by leveraging CTEs, materialized views, temp tables, and even permanent working tables.

In an imperative programming language, you would be reaching for something like a Python dict, list, or some other data structure to represent data. In Postgres, you really only have one option – a table (or a table-like structure). You really don’t have to think about it either, especially if using a CTE and can just pop a MATERIALIZED on there to “store” the results.

The good thing about storage like this is it’s easy to make multiple passes of intermediate calculations on the same working data.

The Bad

Text processing

Getting useful data out of the raw data table was a pain almost every time. It can be done, but transforming the data was pretty wonky.

Take a look at this from Day 9. It gets the job done, but is pretty messy. Most days relied on substr or some sort of regex function to parse the raw data rows. Other languages would process this in a more readable way.

Recursion / iteration

Both of these are pretty rough. You can do it, but it will not be enjoyable or particularly performant.

I skipped Day 6 Part 2 – the Part 1 solution I came up with iteratively created a path on a 2D grid. It ran in ~3s, but the Part 2 solution would have run that same code hundreds of times. It just wasn’t worth it.

I had some luck with recursively generating a set of values like in Day 8, as long as the list of values was very tightly bounded:

        FROM antinodes

        UNION ALL

                x + dx AS x
                , y + dy AS y
                , dx
                , dy
        FROM harmonics h
        JOIN grid_bounds bounds
                ON bounds.min_x <= h.x AND bounds.min_y <= h.y
                AND bounds.max_x >= h.x AND bounds.max_y >= h.y
-- Do something with this calculation

I even got breadth-first searches working in a few cases (I overused BFS in my Python solutions, too):

                , x
                , y
                , n
                , x AS ox
                , y AS oy
        FROM grid
        WHERE n = 0

        UNION ALL

                , g.x
                , g.y
                , g.n
                , b.ox
                , b.oy
        FROM bfs b
        CROSS JOIN directions d
        INNER JOIN grid g
                ON b.x + d.x = g.x
                AND b.y + d.y = g.y
                AND b.n + 1 = g.n
, part1 AS (
                1 AS part
                , COUNT(DISTINCT (x, y, ox, oy)) AS result
        FROM bfs
        WHERE n = 9
-- Write out the result

More on BFS in SQL later.

The Ugly

Also known as “how the hell did that even work??”.

Every time you need a piece of data, you must query for it

Queries are expensive. There’s a reason N + 1 is a huge problem for a database, as it racks up tons of IO / transit time rather than spending time finding things that actually matter. That means the programmer, especially a masochistic puzzle-solving programmer, is heavily incentivized to make as few queries in the hot loop as possible.

Take for example Day 12, which is about identifying contiguous regions of letters and calculating their area (trivial), perimeter (fairly easy), and in Part 2, number of sides (now we’re talkin’).

My solution needed all the neighbors for each cell. To do that in one query I aggregated each direction in order using existence cast to '1' or '0' as the element. That gives a length 8 string that can be cast to a BIT(8) – an 8 bit number representing a bitmap whether a neighbor is present at a specified position. Can this be done better? I don’t know at this point, and I wasted hours trying to optimize it.

WITH adjacent_cells AS (
                ord, x, y
        FROM (
                (1, xi    , yi - 1),  -- Up
                (2, xi + 1, yi    ),  -- Right
                (3, xi    , yi + 1),  -- Down
                (4, xi - 1, yi    ),  -- Left
                (5, xi + 1, yi - 1),  -- Up-Right
                (6, xi + 1, yi + 1),  -- Down-Right
                (7, xi - 1, yi + 1),  -- Down-Left
                (8, xi - 1, yi - 1)   -- Up-Left
        ) AS adjacent(ord, x, y)
, ordered_cells AS ( 
                , CASE
                        WHEN IS NOT NULL THEN '1'
                        ELSE '0'
                END AS val
        FROM adjacent_cells ac
        LEFT JOIN grid g
                ON g.x = ac.x AND g.y = ac.y AND g.region_id = rid
        ORDER BY ac.ord ASC
        string_agg(oc.val, '') AS bitmask
        neighbors -- A variable to be used later
FROM ordered_cells oc;

Recursion / iteration

I put this in the Bad section as it does work when you get everything right, the approach suits the data, etc.

When it goes wrong, oh boy are you out of luck.

First of all the syntax is really wonky, it requires a base case with a UNION ALL to the recursive portion:

        -- Base case
        SELECT 1 AS i;

        UNION ALL

        -- Recursive case
        SELECT i + 1 FROM subquery
SELECT * FROM subquery
WHERE i < 10;

This is a trivial example, but it’s quite simple to write a case that will simply never stop recursing. I ran into this many times, and because it isn’t in a function it’s not possible to RAISE NOTICE and effectively debug log your way out of the problem. Recursion specifically is not very performant, so if you need to check a lot of iterations, you’re better off creating your own functions.

To go back to that Day 12 example, I needed to write a custom BFS to define the regions. A recursive CTE simply timed out no matter what I tried (and I’m still not 100% sure what went wrong).

        rid INT := 1;
        region_start INT;
        rows_updated INT;
        WHILE (SELECT count(*) FROM grid WHERE region_id IS NULL) > 0 LOOP
                SELECT min(id) INTO region_start FROM grid WHERE region_id IS NULL;

                UPDATE grid
                SET region_id = rid
                WHERE id = region_start;

                        WITH adjacent AS (
                                FROM grid base
                                INNER JOIN grid adj
                                        ON base.c = adj.c
                                WHERE base.region_id = rid
                                        AND adj.region_id IS NULL
                                        AND base.c = adj.c
                                        AND (abs(base.x - adj.x) + abs(base.y - adj.y)) = 1
                        UPDATE grid
                        SET region_id = rid
                        WHERE id IN (SELECT FROM adjacent a);

                        GET DIAGNOSTICS rows_updated = ROW_COUNT;
                        IF rows_updated = 0 THEN
                        END IF;
                END LOOP;

                rid := rid + 1;
        END LOOP;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

SELECT define_regions();

Honestly, you should read this entire solution for Day 12. Quite frankly I am in disbelief that it works at all – this seems like something Postgres is wholly unsuitable for:

# Breaking this:

# Into this:
|A A A A|
+-+-+-+-+     +-+
+-+-+   +-+   +-+
|B B|   |C|
+   +   + +-+
|B B|   |C C|
+-+-+   +-+ +
+-+-+-+   +-+
|E E E|

# Where:
#   A - area: 4, perimeter: 10, sides: 4
#   B - area: 4, perimeter:  8, sides: 4
#   C - area: 4, perimeter: 10, sides: 8
#   D - area: 1, perimeter:  4, sides: 4
#   E - area: 4, perimeter:  8, sides: 4

The syntax

It’s ugly. I’m sorry. I know the math guys out there probably love it, but from a programming perspective it’s pretty clunky. Admittedly, puzzles make that worse – they are essentially adversarial inputs for what a database is trying to accomplish.

On the other hand, getting the rows updated in a function should not look like this:

IF rows_updated = 0 THEN

I shouldn’t have to write my own modulus function because Python uses a signed remainder definition for the % operator but Postgres uses a mathematical definition:

-- % and mod() return negative numbers for negative dividend / positive divisor and vice versa.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION modulus(dividend INT, divisor INT)
        result INT;
        divisor := abs(divisor);
        result := mod(dividend, divisor);

        IF result < 0 THEN
                result := result + divisor;
        END IF;

        RETURN result;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

It’s weird that casting from BIT(8) to BIT(4) preserves the highest bits:

aoc=# SELECT '11110000'::BIT(8)::BIT(4);


I’m sure there’s more.

All in all, it was a lot of fun. As of time of writing (December 16), I made it to Day 14. I’m 2 days behind and not sure if I’ll make up the difference. Day 12 was a significant effort and Days 15 and 16 were of similar size.

Either way, I was surprised to make it this far and I actually did learn quite a lot.

That’s all for now. Thanks for reading!