How to Deploy a Python Reddit Bot (and Other Scripts) to Heroku

Configuring a bot to run within the constraints of Heroku's free tier.

Writing a Gameboy Game in 2021: Part 5 -- Screen Transitions

Managing menus, gameplay, and transitions with one (big) function.

Emulating Raspberry Pi LED Panels

All the fun of a Raspberry Pi LED panel with none of the cost.

Devise Flash Messages in JSON Responses

Configuring Devise to return flash messages in API only Rails apps.

I Want to Build the Boat

My first article written as a budding software engineer about what spurred me to become one.

Working Around Deprecated MLB APIs

How to minimize impact of building software on top of a shaky foundation.

Coding My Way Into a Job with Major League Baseball

Turning side projects and open source contributions into a job offer.

Writing a Gameboy Game in 2021: Part 4 -- Computer AI

It's easy to win when no one is playing.

Writing a Gameboy Game in 2021: Part 3 -- Collision Detection

Time to lay the smack down. No cars were harmed in the making of this game.

Writing a Gameboy Game in 2021: Part 2 -- Physics

Cars driving, jumping, and bouncing around.